Q&A: If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they rejected him?
If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they rejected him? Free will a misnomer The use of free will is a…
If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they rejected him? Free will a misnomer The use of free will is a…
Whenever I go to church, it seems like the pastor is always talking about sin, Satan, and hell. Why does it seem like Christianity is so negative? The Christian is…
My neighbor is super kind and always treats others well. He wants God to do the same. Every time we speak about the Bible, he always asks, “How can you…
Universalism says that the biblical teaching of eternal damnation is incompatible with the concept of a loving God. Universalists believe that God will eventually destroy all sin and save all…
The word “hell” keeps popping up in my reading these days. No, I’m not talking about my daily study of Scripture. I’m talking about the newsfeeds on my smartphone. These…