Update on WELS’ effort in Vietnam
The COVID pandemic that began in 2020 affected the ministry and worship in all our WELS congregations. It also caused the temporary suspension of our synod’s efforts to build a…
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The COVID pandemic that began in 2020 affected the ministry and worship in all our WELS congregations. It also caused the temporary suspension of our synod’s efforts to build a…
Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field!” (Luke…
The year was 1872. Lutherans had been in America since before the revolution. At that time, Lutheranism in America could be described as a confusing and jumbled array of dozens…
WELS enjoys a blessing that no other Lutheran church body enjoys: our ministerial education training system, which has existed in one form or another almost since the very beginning of…
The word panacea comes from a Greek word meaning “all-healing.” The ancient Greeks worshiped the goddess of healing named Panacea, who was said to administer a medicine that was able…
Taking things for granted happens all too easily. The worst part about taking things for granted is that we fail to appreciate and remember the routine and ordinary blessings that…
“Brothers and sisters, pray for us” (1 Thessalonians 5:25). With these words, the apostle Paul concluded his first letter to the Christians in Thessalonica. They would be separated from him…
In the new year, TV news channels often review the past year. The annual ritual includes significant events and achievements in politics, science, medicine, and international relations. There is the…
Sixty years ago, our synod was faced with the most difficult decision in its history. For more than 20 years, WELS and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) had been working…