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Men sitting in desks at synod convention, 1961

A look back at synod conventions through the years

Who doesn't like looking back at old photos? Here are a few photos that we pulled from the magazine's archives to give you a glimpse into our synod convention coverage from the past. Interested in learning more about this year's synod convention? View our coverage in the news section of the September issue, including a compilation of photos and captions.
Synod convention, 1975
Synod convention, 1977
Men standing outside at synod convention, 1981
Synod convention, 1993
Featured photo from 1961. Other photos from 1975, 1977, 1981, and 1993. The 1993 photo features retiring President Carl Mischke handing over the convention gavel to newly-elected President Karl Gurgel.

Out of the hands of babes

Jonathan Rockhoff, pastor at Messiah, Wichita, Kan., wrote in to share this news item: "Each month I recruit one of our younger children to hand out the Forward in Christ issues to people on their way out of church. This month I recruited our youngest member yet, three-year-old Blayke Banick."

How do you share Forward in Christ? Contact us to let us know! And remember, we love pictures and videos, too.
Three-year-old girl hands out Forward in Christ
Three-year-old girl hands out Forward in Christ
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FIC's Bible-reading plan

Trace God's story of grace in this Bible-reading plan for 2021. Participate online and you'll have access to the full Bible passages for each week. Start at any time. All the previous readings are listed at forwardinchrist.net/bible-readings-2021.
Bible Study Month
Bible Study WEEK 30
Bible Study Week 33

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