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From the archives: Becoming "those people"
This article by Brian Guhr was first published in the April 2019 issue of Forward in Christ.

During my career as a deputy sheriff and detective for a local sheriff’s department, I found that making death notifications was the most distasteful of all my duties. . . .

It was difficult. We would arrive at a stranger’s home, wake them in the early morning hours, and deliver the worst of all news: A loved one had passed away. We would stay for a short time, offer condolences and any services we could provide, and then leave. We were not to be clergy or counselors, just messengers.

I always wondered what became of “those people.”

On Feb. 13, 2017, my wife and I were awakened by a pounding on our front door at about two in the morning. Two officers told us that our oldest daughter had passed away. Since all deaths are investigated, they told us to contact the department that was handling the investigation. Along with offering condolences and any services they could provide, they offered us the services of their department chaplain. We thanked them and told them that their chaplain was one of our pastors. They stayed for a short time and left. Ironically, we had just become “those people.”
Walk with your Savior
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Today is Day 36 in our Bible readings that detail Jesus' journey to the cross. A new video/podcast is available each of the 40 days of Lent at forwardinchrist.net.

Click the button below to watch today's video or to catch up on those you may have missed.
FIC's Bible-reading plan
Trace God's story of grace in this Bible-reading plan for 2021. Participate online and you'll have access to the full Bible passages for each week. Start at any time. All the previous readings are listed at forwardinchrist.net/bible-readings-2021.
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Bible Readings week 13 1 Samuel
Bible Readings week 14 1 Samuel
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