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A life-changing coincidence

After Jesus was born, a radiant star pointed to a house where the Magi could find their Savior. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, bustling crowds were a dead giveaway for where the miracle-working preacher would be found doing his thing.

God doesn’t always provide such obvious indicators as he guides his people through life, but one thing is for sure: Where the gospel is faithfully preached, Christ will be found every single time.

Will Jones and his wife, Sydney, (pictured above) saw a different kind of “star in the sky” one Sunday morning as a sign outside their local YMCA invited them to worship at The Way, Fredericksburg, Va. What seemed like a coincidence at the time would change their lives forever.
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Moments with missionaries: Timothy Walsh

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Forty thousand cars drive past our church’s campus every 24 hours. That statistic was among the first things I was told about our congregation’s location after I was assigned to a mission restart on Long Island, N.Y., in May 2021. Our campus is located more or less . . .

Free in Christ: Personal witnessing

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Lori and Brent Ryan, members at Holy Trinity, New Hope, Minn., use in-home hospitality to foster relationships, leading to opportunities to share their faith and invite others to church. . .

Paradise lost?

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Follow me to an overgrown garden. We cannot enter it, but we can look inside. This garden was once lovely, but no more. When God first planted this garden, he intended it to be a perfect paradise for the crown of his creation: people. God had carefully crafted the man . . .

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