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How should I handle a disagreement with my child’s teacher?

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that the wisdom shared in “Parent conversations” is rarely exclusive to parents. This month’s column is no exception. It could just as easily be titled “How should I handle a disagreement with my coworker?” Or “spouse” or “neighbor” or . . . well, you get the picture.
Nicole Balza

As a teacher and parent, I cannot begin to count the number of disagreements that I have witnessed and mediated over the years between children. You would think that it might get easier to navigate them as the years go by, but the truth of the matter is that every disagreement includes different people and unique perspectives that often make coming to a consensus difficult.

However, with children, I have noticed that three things are important for a successful resolution to take place:
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Check out these other back-to-school parenting articles

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little girl struggling with homework
Promotion for synod convention coverage available at forwardinchrist.net/convention

Check out these articles from the September issue:

Q&A: How can I overcome my struggle with lust and pornography?

Q&A 2023 Dave Scharf
You . . . are . . . forgiven. Jesus paid for your sin on the cross. He has made you spotless, blameless, and without any blemish. Rejoice! Right now, God looks at you and says, “You are my child, whom I love. With you, I am well pleased.” . . .

Your greatest joy

sky with bright rays shining through
As you look back over your life, what gives you the greatest joy? I saw an interview in which an old pastor described his final interaction with an old pastor friend. That pastor friend was on the verge of dying after a long and successful ministry. He had . . .

Delegates play an important role in synod's ministry

cross and crown logo and overview of the convention attendees
WELS’ 67th Biennial Synod Convention was held July 31–Aug. 3, at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Mich., under the theme “Embrace the Cross—Anticipate the Crown.” Three hundred forty-eight convention delegates met in 19 floor committees to . . .

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