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You are not alone:

Support for those struggling with mental health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Forward in Christ's readers have been blessed by many brave Christians who have shared their struggles with mental health. Christa Holland (featured above) is just one. Her story is below titled "My Christian life: Dealing with mental illness."

Below you'll also find other first-person articles as well as some that tackle the topic of mental health from a more devotional standpoint. Take a look and see what articles might help you or a loved one through a difficult situation.

My Christian life: Dealing with mental illness

My Christian life: Dealing with mental illness
I struggle mightily with my mental health. To most people I look healthy; I am a vegetarian who runs about 40 miles a week. What most can’t see are the panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the anxiety with which I struggle daily. Only my most . . .

A quiet place

woman sitting with back to us looking at landscape
I am sure you can relate to the inner and external pressures of the world around you. The lingering effects of the pandemic haven’t helped. The challenges in life can get you down: your job demands, family struggles, unexpected setbacks, or your own health . . .

A Bible story just for me: Anxiety

Bible pages folded into heart
Feelings are not facts. Yet sometimes those feelings of anxiety are so real. Sometimes they are crippling. They keep you glued to your bed in the morning. They can pull the safe and secure footing right out from under you so that you’re drowning even though . . .

Teen talk: You are not alone

Teen talk: You are not alone
Empty. Forgotten. Worthless. Defeated. Hopeless. Alone. I feel all these things when I’m lying awake at night wondering why. Why am I even here? Why am I still alive? I wonder if death would be the best option. I’ll put on that fake smile every morning, so people . . .

On grief and grieving: A Christian perspective

On grief and grieving: A Christian perspective
In 1969 Elisabeth Kübler Ross published her groundbreaking book On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families. The book identified five stages of emotional turmoil experienced by the terminally ill: denial . . .

A Bible story just for me: Depression

Bible pages folded into heart
Loneliness. Hopelessness. A lack of motivation. A lack of purpose. It’s been described as a black cloud that doesn’t go away. It’s not just having a bad day. It’s so much more than that. Depression hits millions of people, shaking them to their core . . .

Confessions of faith: Yaz Rodriguez

silhouette of man on pier looking out in to water at sunset
Spring 2019—The drive I held those pills in the palm of my hands, too many to count. When I couldn’t swallow them, I pressed a red-handled screwdriver against my chest, but I couldn’t take the pain. It took an hour before my stepmom found me drowning in my . . .

Parent conversations: How can we help today's overwhelmed teens?

upset teen girl sitting by wall
Being a teen has always involved struggle and angst. The difference today is that a teen’s struggles can be broadcast immediately to an entire world of virtual “friends.” Plus, social media has created a constant need to “perform” that doesn’t go away when a . . .
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