wooden cross on bible photo of young man hugging mother figure

Confessions of faith: Logan Hirsh

woman sitting in bed drinking coffee

Beware of burrowing

man dressed like Moses holding baby Jesus

God’s gift to the world

photos of James Aderman with wife, elephant, smokey the bear and family

My Christian life: Cancer survivor shares grace truths


God’s great love

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, ...
Evan Chartrand

Who is to blame?

“How can God condemn people if they’ve never heard the ...
James F. Pope

Q&A: Is it wrong to use different instruments in worship?

Is it wrong to use different instruments in worship? Thanks ...
David Scharf

Confessions of faith: Logan Hirsh

A former atheist finds a church home, a church mom, ...
Logan Hirsh

The power of anticipation

We learn from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount that our ...
Aaron Boehm

Beware of burrowing

While staying at home seems cozy, being part of a ...
Linda Buxa

How do you measure success?

How do you measure success? In business, success is measured ...
Mark Schroeder

Parent conversations: Are we doing too much for our kids?

It’s a common complaint: “Parents today do too much for ...
Karyn Clemons, Joel Russow, Jenni Schubring

The value of history

The past contains a host of touchpoints that can instruct ...
Paul Koelpin

Please explain: How can God condemn people if they’ve never heard the gospel?

Sometimes when we ask God a question, he does not ...
Steven Lange

Isaiah’s prophecies: Part 4

Jesus has come: Isaiah's prophecies of the Lord's ministry Isaiah ...
Aaron Goetzinger

God’s gift to the world

We can have peace in our hearts as we view ...
Snowden Gene Sims

World news and commentary: February 2025

An AI Jesus? From search engines to self-driving cars, artificial ...
Benjamin Schaefer

My Christian life: Cancer survivor shares grace truths

A cancer survivor shares grace truths he learned through the ...
James Aderman

Table of contents for previous issues

2023: December | November | October | September | August | July | June | May | AprilMarch | February | January

2022: December | November | October | September | August | July | June | MayAprilMarch | February | January 

2021: December | November | October
