Easter worship together
Taping for the synodwide Easter celebration service took place on Monday, April 6, at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and included WELS President Mark Schroeder and First Vice President Jim Huebner, who are presiding over the service, and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary President Earle Treptow (pictured, right), who is preaching. A small choir (pictured, above) came together to help lead us in singing our Easter praises. Visit livestream.com/wlslive/togetherattheempty tomb to join the service on Sunday, April 12, at 6 p.m. (central). This is also where you can view the archived version.
Live Q&A following Easter service
Immediately following the synodwide Easter service on April 12, WELS President Mark Schroeder, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary President Earle Treptow, and Coordinator of WELS Congregational Services Jon Hein will be available online for a live Question and Answer session. Go to livestream.com/wlslive/togetherattheemptytomb to join the service and then participate in (or just watch) this Q&A session.
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Articles to focus your heart this Holy Week