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pastor baptizing grown man who is holding his child

E-news exclusive:

A family baptism—and more great news

The photo featured on the cover of the May issue (above) comes from Divine Savior, Delray Beach, Fla., a WELS home mission congregation. Joel Schulz, Divine Savior's pastor, tells us more about the photo:

The picture is of Peter Del Solar being baptized on March 13, 2022. His son, Logan (pictured above), and daughter, Ann, were also baptized on the same day. Peter was confirmed as a communicant member a week later.

We met Peter when he showed up at church one of the first Sundays of the year and immediately joined our Bible instruction class.

The Lord has overflowed the blessings of his grace on our mission congregation this year! In the first three months of 2022, we have baptized 26 people (4 adults and 22 children), and we have had 18 adult confirmations!

We had 13 baptisms on one Sunday, January 23, here in Delray Beach, as part of a Baptism Sunday. We worked toward that during the months before through encouragement and instruction. Three other campuses of Divine Savior participated in Baptism Sunday, and a total of 51 people were baptized on the same day!

On March 6, here at our church in Delray Beach, we baptized 6 children and confirmed 18 adults on the same Sunday! It was quite the day! God has been blessing our ministry with many opportunities to do his work.

The woman who took the photo is Christy Maher. She is one of the 18 adults who were confirmed in our March 6 service, and her two boys, Graham and Benjamin, were two of the boys who were baptized on January 23.
Pastor Joel Schulz baptizing young girl being held by father
Above: Joel Schulz, pastor at Divine Savior, Delray Beach, Fla., baptizing Ann Del Solar on March 13. Ann's dad, Peter, is holding her and her brother, Logan. Peter and Logan were also baptized that day. Below: The Del Solar family with Pastor Schulz.
Pastor Joel Schulz and family after baptism

Visit our community

TIW_Divine Savior Delray Beach Communion
In the May issue, Forward in Christ also featured this photo from Divine Savior, Delray Beach, Fla., that was taken on March 6 when 18 adults were confirmed and participated in Communion. This photo is featured on FIC's Community page, which highlights photos and videos from ministries around the synod.

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Q&A: If people go to hell, isn’t it their fault because God gave them free will and they rejected him? 
The use of free will is a misnomer in spiritual matters. Adam and Eve were created with free will to choose either good or evil. They were able not to sin. After the fall into sin, humanity lost that free will along with the image of . . .

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WELS enjoys a blessing that no other Lutheran church body enjoys: our ministerial education training system, which has existed in one form or another almost since the very beginning of the synod itself. In a seamless system on three levels, WELS’ ministerial . . .

Grants available to help more people hear the Word

Hearing loss
WELS Mission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MDHH), part of the Commission on Special Ministries, is offering $500 grants toward the installation of a hearing loop to WELS/Evangelical Lutheran Synod congregations that apply for it. MDHH . . .
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