The best pastor in Montrose
In honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, Forward in Christ is featuring photos of pastors submitted by you on its "This is WELS" page in October. A member at Living Word, Montrose, Colo., submitted this tribute: "Pastor Matt Frey is a wonderful pastor to all ages! I have never seen a pastor give the time and devotion that he does to God’s Word or his flock."
Pictured above are Pastor Frey and his family during a pastor appreciation event that Living Word hosted for them in 2013. Pastor Frey's T-shirt reads: "The best pastor in Montrose."
Pastor Frey is also pictured below hanging Christmas decorations and receiving a gift from the children in his congregation.
Do you have a photo and message that you'd like to share with a pastor? Submit them to FIC. We'll be sharing these special messages throughout the month of October in our e-news and on social media. To see more of the photos featured in "This is WELS," visit our Community page.
Read your October FIC online today
The print edition of the October issue is delayed due to paper industry shortages, but Northwestern Publishing House has made the October digital issue available to everyone and all articles are also posted on forwardinchrist.net.