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Eshiett family from Nigeria in 1964 with bicycle purchased by Delores Griepentrog and friends

It all began in 1963

For almost 60 years, Delores Griepentrog has been writing letters of encouragement and sending teaching materials to hundreds of pastors and teachers in at least a dozen countries. . . .

In 1963 she read a letter in the Green Bay Press-Gazette from a pastor in Nigeria who wanted to correspond with a Lutheran Christian in the United States.

Delores wrote to Pastor E. U. Eshiett about her farm and her family and shared words of encouragement for his work of spreading the gospel. He told her about his family and how far he walked to hold services in various villages. He mentioned that a bicycle would be a big help. Delores appealed to family and church friends who responded with $100 to send to Africa, and Pastor Eshiett got his bicycle

Continue reading this "My Christian life" article from the November issue at forwardinchrist.net/delores-griepentrog.

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The print edition of the November issue is delayed due to paper industry shortages, but Northwestern Publishing House has made the November digital issue available to everyone and all articles are also posted on forwardinchrist.net. Print issues are in the mail and should arrive to subscribers soon.

FIC's Bible-reading plan

Trace God's story of grace in this Bible-reading plan for 2021. Participate online and you'll have access to the full Bible passages for each week. Start at any time. All the previous readings are listed at forwardinchrist.net/bible-readings-2021.
Nov 2021 Bible Study month
Nov 2021 Week 41
Nov 2021 Week 42

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