The second Martin
“You Protestants have two Martins; if the second had not come, the first would not have stood.”
That Roman Catholic observation says that the work and legacy of the first Martin—Martin Luther—would have been lost if not for the second Martin—Martin Chemnitz. In other words, Martin Chemnitz is the best Lutheran since, well, Luther.
While you might not have heard of Martin Chemnitz before, he’s worth getting to know. Approaching another Reformation remembrance of the first Martin’s work makes this the perfect time to learn more about the second Martin.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month
In October, Forward in Christ is featuring photos of pastors submitted by you in its "This is WELS" column. Mrs. Esther Matthies submitted these photos of Pastor James Bare (teaching vacation Bible school) and Paul Wilde (leading outdoor adult confirmation service), who serve at Salem, Owosso, Mich. She writes: "Salem appreciates both of our pastors. Their love for the congregation is evident in everything they do. This past year and a half, they have put a lot of focus on making sure we members were able to have daily devotions and hear the Word of God preached even when we were not able to attend services in person."
Read your November FIC online today
The print edition of the November issue is delayed due to paper industry shortages, but Northwestern Publishing House has made the November digital issue available to everyone and all articles are also posted on forwardinchrist.net.