April sneak-peek: Church Planting 101
In January, WELS Home Missions teamed up with Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (WLS), Mequon, Wis., to organize a church planting course hosted at The Way, Fredericksburg, Va. The course was led by home missionaries Jared Oldenburg and Matt Rothe and mission counselor Mark Birkholz, each of whom came with a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. Eleven seminarians traveled to Virginia to learn more about starting new churches in places where WELS may not have an established presence.
"Starting a new mission congregation is a unique ministry that comes with distinct challenges," said Matt Rothe, pastor at The Way. "Receiving instruction before 'boots are on the ground work' prepares and equips men to be pastoral leaders in those circumstances."
With the new Home Missions initiative to plant 100 new home missions in the next 10 years, the possibility of being called to start or restart a congregation is more real than ever. . . .
BREAKING NEWS: The seminary students who participated in the church planting course hosted at The Way, Fredericksburg, Va., (see story above) had a hand in helping provide a strategy for how to reach out in Boston, Mass. Their research helped WELS Board for Home Missions as it met last week and approved Boston as the location of one of nine new WELS home missions. Learn about the other locations in this Together video update.
Each year, as winter yields to spring and as February turns into March, most people are ready for a change in the seasons. Especially in the north we are eager to put colder, harsher days behind us as we look forward to brighter and more cheerful days to come. . . .
Lent is a time to concentrate on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. In preparation we contemplate our own sins and why we need to return to God. Certainly, we need to turn away from our sin, but we turn to the Lord because he is slow to anger and abounding in love. . . .
You can learn volumes about a man by watching him die. Time is more precious than ever. It’s no occasion for small talk; only the most important words are worth his dying breaths. What are his priorities in these final hours? What wisdom needs to be shared . . .