Family clings to God's promises during medical crisis
Going back and remembering what those weeks were like is scary with a mix of unbelievable wonder. It was a time of feeling complete helplessness in trying to understand what was happening to our daughter Ellie. This bubbly, bright-eyed, hilarious, and active 18-year-old lay in a hospital bed unable to move the right side of her body or speak coherently.
It started months before with on-and-off fevers and severe sore throats. Every time Ellie was tested for COVID, strep throat, and mono, but all the tests repeatedly came back negative. So in March 2022 when it happened again and she was given another antibiotic for tonsillitis, none of us were surprised.
The surprise came when I went into her room one Sunday morning to check on her before church. She was lying on the ground. She looked up at me—actually looked through me—like she didn’t know who I was. I asked her if it was her throat that hurt or her head or stomach. Her response was something I will never forget. She replied, “It’s my personality.”
We all know what it’s like to beat ourselves up after we make a mistake. We’ve also probably contributed to our kids doing the same thing. Rather than perpetuating that cycle, how can we help our kids—and ourselves—grow from mistakes and accept forgiveness? . . .
Of all the ways the seasons of Advent and Christmas bring joy to our hearts, the music is among the best. Across Christendom, believers look forward to singing their favorite Advent and Christmas hymns. They not only touch our hearts but also inform and . . .
In October, Baroque Plus, a Ukrainian musical group that includes members of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), traveled to Germany to present concerts at several Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (ELFK) congregations. These concerts were a thank you for the . . .