mask tree close up

A tree-mendous opportunity

In the June issue of Forward in Christ, we reported that women from Zion, Bristol, Wis., (a few are pictured above) sewed face masks and hung them on a tree outside the church for anyone to take for free. As of the beginning of May, the women had sewn and given away more than 700 masks in a few weeks.

"We live in a small, rural community where people like to help people," says Zion member Connie Kirchner. "The opportunity was there for some outreach and helping our community. Several ladies joined forces to make it happen."

Since then, another 500 masks were made and given away. That's more than 1,200 masks!

To learn about other creative ways that WELS members are spreading Christ's love, read "Spur one another on." Filled with photos and quotes, this article is a great look at how God is using his people during COVID-19.
Zion, Bristol, Wis, mask tree

Featuring: Your submission

Last week we encouraged FIC e-news readers to submit videos from their ministry for us to feature. John Sankey responded and submitted this video of 5th-8th grade students at St. Luke's, Oakfield, Wis., singing "He Will Hold Me Fast." Do you have a video to share? Submit it below.
St Luke, Oakfield, Wis

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