Have you visited Forward in Christ's Community page lately? In addition to great "This is WELS" photos, the page also includes videos from churches, schools, and ministries representing many areas of the synod.
Right now you can find videos from:
- West Lutheran High School, Plymouth, Minn., highlighting the girls softball team;
- Illumine, Rock Hill, S.C., showcasing a devotion/magic show starring Dan Jaspersen (pictured above);
- Holy Word, Austin, Texas, featuring a short Bible study with Don Patterson, president of the South Central District;
- the A Cappella Choir of Fox Valley Lutheran High School, Appleton, Wis., performing A Closing Prayer;
- WELS Christian Aid and Relief updating WELS members on its work; and
- Divine Savior Ministries, Doral, Fla., sharing a children's devotion.